ST103, Anthropology, Sin, and Angelology

Dallas Theological Seminary




Alternative Final Exam


Each question is worth 4 points. Keep answers relatively brief (a short paragraph per question would be appropriate).


  1. How would you defend the sanctity of human life to someone who respected biblical authority? How would you defend the sanctity of human life to someone who did not respect biblical authority?
  2. Define naturalistic evolution and offer at least two criticisms of it.
  3. What does it mean to be made in the image of God?
  4. What are some of the basic concepts involved in a biblical theology of the body? (Explain.)
  5. The professor argued that we consist of a “complex dichotomy” involving material and immaterial aspects. How might that concept be defended? What are the implications of this view with regard to the spiritual life?
  6. Do biological and genetic factors have an influence upon human behavior? What other factors are involved? Explain.
  7. What does it mean to be “by nature a child of wrath?” What (if anything) have we inherited from Adam with regard to sin?
  8. What are the implications of your answer to the previous question with regard to soteriology?
  9. What are some of the abilities and limitations of angels?
  10. Why do evil events take place (and how can demonic beings exist) in a world governed by a good and sovereign God?