ST 104 Required Reading Schedule

The reading is listed in block fashion. Please note this reading list is for convenience only--the authoritative reading list is only on This list is not up to date with respect to the units but the reading is, for the most part, correct.

The reading listed by topic is required (and is finalized through the end of the semester). The reading listed under Supplemental Reading is not required. Last update: 8/15/05.

Class Topic

Reading Details

Sin and Grace

(This section is required reading) Getting Started Guide

The Effect of Sin on Human Nature, chapter 8 from Humanity and Sin

Pyne's Notes, Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility

Pyne and Spencer, "A Critique of Free-Will Theism, Part 1" BibSac 158 (July-Sept 2001): 259-286

Pyne and Spencer, "A Critique of Free-Will Theism, Part 2" BibSac 158 (Oct - Dec 2001): 387-405

Demarest, chapters 1-2


Supplemental Reading


Lecture Notes: ST103 Lecture Notes Effect of Sin on Humanity.pdf

Lecture Notes: ST103 Free Will Class Handout.pdf


Augustine, Anti-Pelagian Writings

John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, on original sin

B. B. Warfield, Augustine and the Pelagian Controversy

R. C. Sproul, “Augustine and Pelagius,” Leadership U. Online


Abridgement of Luther’s “On the Bondage of the Will” at Reformed Reader

A Review of Luther and Erasmus: Free Will and Salvation


Robert A. Pyne, "What Can We Say About Evil in Light of America's Tragedy?" (.pdf format)

W. Tullian Tchividjian, “Reflections on Jonathan Edwards’ View of Free Will,” ThirdMill Magazine Online



Calvinism and Arminianism

A Broad Overview of the Discussion                                                                                               Good basic overview of the history of the debate

Lorraine Boettner, The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination

Dabney on the Five Points of Calvinism:

Canons of Dort:

The Five Articles of the Remonstrants, 1610                                 

The Opinions of the Remonstrants                                                  


Jonathan Edwards, The Freedom of the Will

John Owen:

“Reformation Ink”

Charles Spurgeon, All of Grace

John Wesley:


Wesleyan Center for Applied Theology:

Works of Arminius

The Public Disputations of James Arminius                                  

The Apology or Defense of James Arminius                                 

Nine Questions for the Professors of Divinity to Answer       


Are There Two Wills in God? (John Piper)                    

On election out of Rom. 9:               


Middle Knowledge

"No Other Name": A Middle Knowledge Perspective on the Exclusivity of Salvation through Christ (William Lane Craig)

The Heresy of Middle Knowledge

Philosophy of Religion Notes: Middle Knowledge

Middle Knowledge: CALVINIST-ARMINIAN Rapprochement? It May Be             (Adobe PDF format)


Open Theism

Open Theism Information Site

Greg Boyd's Home Page

The Openness of God Discussion Papers from ETS 2001

Good contrast of Libertarianism (and its connection to Open Theism) and Compatibilism

The Openness of God Discussion Papers from ETS 2001


Are There Two Wills in God? (John Piper)                               

"No Other Name": A Middle Knowledge Perspective on the Exclusivity of Salvation through Christ (William Lane Craig)

The Heresy of Middle Knowledge

Philosophy of Religion Notes: Middle Knowledge

Middle Knowledge: CALVINIST-ARMINIAN Rapprochement? It May Be    (Adobe PDF format)



Sin and Grace in the OT

(This section is required reading)


Pyne's Notes, "Salvation in the Old Testament"

The Willowbank Declaration

Demarest, chapter 3


Supplemental Reading  

Sidney D. Dyer: The Salvation of Believing Israelites Prior to the Incarnation of Christ


The Cross of Jesus Christ

(This section is required reading)


Pyne's Notes, "The Cross of Jesus Christ"

J. Denny Weaver, "Violence in Christian Theology" Cross Currents, 51:2 (Summer 2001)

Kim Riddlebarger, "No Ordinary Death Jesus Christ, The Propitiation For Our Sins," Modern Reformation (March-April 1996)

   [The above link is offline...we are working on a replacement....]

I. Howard Marshall, "The Death of Jesus in Recent New Testament Study," Word & World 3:1 (1983) 12-21.

Demarest, chapter 4


Supplemental Reading

Class PowerPoint handout on the Atonement (and the different models)


Matt Blackmon's thoughts on the movie "The Passion of the Christ"


"A Puritan's Mind" website

John D. Hannah, "John Owen and the 'normal' Christian Life: Or Sanctification in an Era of Confusion"

Don Benedetto, The Benefit of Christ Crucified

J. Gresham Machen, The Atonement

John Owen, A Display of Arminianism (difficult reading, but VERY profitable): Alternate source (easier to read, slower to download) is here


Charles Hodge, For Whom Did Christ Die?

John Owen, The Death of Death in the Death of Christ

Joseph Phelan, The Passion of Christ (with artwork)

Francis Turretin, The Necessity of the Atonement



The Nature of Conversion

(This section is required reading)


Pyne's Notes, "Faith, Repentance, and Water Baptism"

Pyne's Notes, "Lordship Salvation"

Demarest, chapters 5-6


Supplemental Reading


Lecture Notes on Conversion

Robert A. Pyne, "The Role of the Holy Spirit in Conversion" BibSac 150:598 (Apr-Jun 93):203-218.


Archibald Alexander: “A Practical View of Regeneration”

A. A. Hodge, “Regeneration”

John Piper: “Are There Two Wills in God?”

Martin Luther: Sermon “On Faith and Coming to Christ”

The Homepage of the Grace Evangelical Society



Justification by Faith

(This section is required reading)


Pyne's Notes, "Justification by Faith"

The Lutheran/Catholic Joint Declaration

Ted Dorman, "The Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification" JETS 44, no. 3 (Sept 2001): 421-434

Calvin on Justification                             

Demarest, chapters 9-10


Supplemental Reading


Robert Pyne, "The 'Seed,' the Spirit, and the Blessing of Abraham" BibSac 152:606 (Apr 95): 211-222.


Richard Hooker, “Learned Discourse on Justification”

Martin Luther, “A Sermon on Christian Righteousness”

John Owen, The Nature of Justification by Faith

Arthur W. Pink, The Doctrine of Justification


Avery Dulles, "Two Languages of Salvation: The Lutheran–Catholic Joint Declaration" First Things 98 (December 1999): 25-30.

Catholic Resources

Catechism of the Catholic Church     Searchable by topic

Catholic Encyclopedia                      Searchable by topic

Thomas Aquinas Summa Theologica His Magnum Opus


Biblical Evidence for Catholicism (David Armstrong's Main Page)                                              

Some Interaction with David Armstrong (Author of A Biblical Defense of Catholicism)      More current than the above, but better? You tell me.

Justification and Sanctification Links (Catholic Perspective: David Armstrong)                       Just enough to put you over the edge


Eastern Orthodox Resources

An Exact Exposition on the Orthodox Faith (St. John Damascene)            

On the Incarnation (Athanasius)                                                                     

Soteriology in Athanasius of Alexandria (.pdf format)

Dictionary of Orthodox terms

Fundamental Teachings of Orthodoxy

Orthodox Christian Information Center

Wabash links on orthodoxy




(This section is required reading)

Pyne's Notes, "The Indwelling Spirit as the Promised Breath of Life"

Demarest, chapters 7-8


Supplemental Reading


Archibald Alexander, A Practical View of Regeneration

A. A. Hodge, Regeneration



The Indwelling of the Spirit

(This section is required reading)


Pyne's Notes, "The Baptism of the Spirit and Pentecostal Soteriology"


Supplemental Reading


J. Rodman Williams on the Baptism of the Spirit (Pentecostal view):



Perseverance and

Eternal Security

(This section is required reading)

Pyne's Notes, "The Eternal Security of the Believer"

Demarest, chapters 11-12


Supplemental Reading


Jonathan Edwards, Religious Affections



Salvation in Modern Theology

(This section is required reading)

Pyne's Notes, "Salvation in Modern Theology"


Supplemental Reading


John B. Cobb, "North American Theology in the Twentieth Century"

John B. Cobb, "Theology in the Twenty-First Century"



Salvation in Other Religions

(This section is required reading)

Pyne's Notes, "Salvation in Selected Religious Movements"


Supplemental Reading


Apologetics Resources:

Christian Research Institute:

Watchman Fellowship:



Pluralism, Exclusivism, and

(This section is required reading)


Pyne's Notes, "What's the Truth about Jesus?"

Charles Hodge: “Christianity Without Christ”

John Hick, “Is Christianity the only true religion, or one among others?” :


Supplemental Reading


J. A. Di Noia, “Jesus and the World Religions”

Interfaith Resources:



General Sites for
Theological Research



Catechism of the Catholic Church

Christian Classics Ethereal Library:

Internet Christian Library:

Medieval Sourcebook:

New Advent (Catholic Resources, with Catholic Encyclopedia):

Phil Johnson’s Bookmarks:

Wabash Center:


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